View From the Judges: Figure, Bikini, Fitness & Ms. International




“She’s been around that top six at the last two big shows, so she’s doing well, she keeps improving. Really nice symmetry and her conditioning was good. She finished third in the physique round but she can come across as a little small with some of the top girls so she could use a little bit more overall muscle. Routine was fine – she moves pretty well on stage, she just needs a higher overall degree of difficulty.”


Go here to see all of Ryall Graber Vasani’s Fitness International photos










“She’s kind of like Oksana in that she is a little thicker in the waist. Sometimes she comes in too hard, she doesn’t need to come in as hard as she does. Competitors with more taper and smaller waists and good conditioning are always going to hurt her a little bit. Routine wise, there aren’t many others who have as much strength and energy as she does, but she needs to slow it down a little bit, just like Oksana used to need to pick it up. Its almost like she’s rushing through it and it doesn’t allow her to hold the moves. The degree of difficulty is there, but there is no real flow to it and it comes across as choppy.”


Go here to see all of Regiane Da Silva’s Fitness International photos








“She just came back from having a baby, and I thought her physique was awesome before she left. She had such a nice taper and wasn’t too muscular – a good balance between fullness and conditioning. Having the baby, it’s going to take her a little bit more time to get back to that level. Here, her conditioning and the way her muscle is distributed has changed a little bit. I think it’s going to take her a little bit more time to get some of that muscularity back as well as the conditioning. Her routine was fine compared to a lot of the other girls – good cardiovascular, good strength moves.”


Go here to see all of Trish Warren’s Fitness International photos









“I’m sure she was 2nd in the physique round, she has a nice taper and I thought she looked better here than she did at the Olympia. At the Olympia she was a little small upper body wise, she brought some of that fullness back. She still could have used a little more muscle in her upper body. Tanji definitely had more fullness but Bethany, genetically, has that great symmetry. Sometimes her routines are very good with a lot of difficulty and sometimes that is missing – to me she wasn’t as close as she sometimes is to the top girls in the routine. To really move up at bigger shows she needs to bring more difficulty consistently in the routine.”


Go here to see all of Bethany Cisternino’s Fitness International photos








“Her routine was awesome. I think right now she is the top girl for routine in fitness. Her creativity and ability to flow onstage is just awesome and she has so much difficulty in her routines. Structurally, her body is not genetically gifted so she really has to work to bring enough of a taper to consistently be one of the top girls in the physique round. I thought her body looked better here than it did at the Olympia – each year it gets better not being so boxy, she is a little thick in the waist for her structure.”


Go here to see all of Oksana Grishina’s Fitness International photos









“I think everyone was happy to see Tanji do as well as she did, she has been a runner up in so many big shows. Sometimes she comes in a little too soft, especially in the lower body – glutes and hamstrings. But her conditioning was really good. Routine wise, she is a great entertainer but I still think her routine needs more overall difficulty. Tanji has that innate ability to flow on stage. She brought a little more difficulty than she did at the Olympia and finished second in the routine.”


Go here to see all of Tanji Johnson’s Fitness International photos






NEXT: Ms. International View From The Judges