Trina Thompson


Contest history/highlights 2012: Jr. USAs 1st Class A and Overall; 2011 Jr. Nationals 4th Class A; 2010: Nationals 11th Figure Class B; Indianapolis Championships Figure Class A and Overall winner; GNC Classic Figure Class A and Overall winner; 2008: Kentucky Championships 3rd Figure Class A; Jr. USA 7th Figure Class A; 2007: Southern States 2nd Figure Class A; Pittsburgh Championships 2nd Figure Class B; 2006: Kentucky Muscle Classic 1st Figure Class A

BEAUTY TO BODYBUILDER “I got started in beauty pageants and won the Ms. Kentucky in 2002, but I kept getting told I was too muscular – and I wasn’t even working out! My ex-husband took me to a show and I looked at the girls and said ‘You know what? I think I can do that.’ So I trained really hard from like February to November and ended up winning my class at that first show.”

GETTING PHYSICAL “I got involved in wrestling after I met Victoria from the WWE. She told me I should try out, that they loved girls like me. So I went in to Ohio Valley Wrestling and the very first day they signed me up. I did that for three years, and I still go and make a guest appearance every now and then. My signature move is called the Shelby Cross, because I’m from Shelbyville. It’s a cross-body off the top rope.”

DISCIPLINE “I love being on stage. I just like entertaining and I also like the discipline that it takes. It’s just like with wrestling, when I was in the ring every night for three hours – and that hurts! Bodybuilding doesn’t hurt as much, but it takes discipline, and it’s not something everybody can do.”

FAMILY BENEFITS “My parents have been a little iffy about competing because my body has changed so much since 2006, but they’re very supportive. My family owns a farm and my dad raises all of my sweet potatoes, eggs and chicken for me. He does that specifically so I don’t have to spend as much money on food!”

NONSTOP When I was 16, me and one other girl were raising five acres of tobacco by ourselves so I could start saving money for college. Every day after school, I would go home and grab a quick bite to eat and then be in the field until dark. Now I work two jobs – I’m a Director of Social Services at a nursing home and I do drug and alcohol group therapy. I’ve basically been going nonstop since I was 16 years old.”