Shawn Rhoden & Dexter Jackson Sign 2013 Olympia Contracts November 16, 2012November 19, 2012Articles, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest Shawn Rhoden (3rd in 2012) and Dexter Jackson (4th in ’12) sign their 2013 Olympia contracts and discuss their plans for 2013. Rhoden announced he will not compete until the Olympia in 2013.
January 22, 2014NPC News Online Video: Kai Greene – Contests are won from the backKai Greene explains the importance of training EVERY part of your body equally
April 3, 2015Behind the Scenes Photoshoot Video with IFBB Pro Shandy Ortiz & NPC Competitor Karen DiazSecond Place IFBB Bikini from the IFBB Battle on the Beach Shandy Ortiz & NPC Southern USA competitor Karen Diaz. …
January 9, 2018Interview With Kim Oddo From The 2018 LA Fit ExpoInterview With Kim Oddo From The 2018 LA Fit Expo
February 18, 2015IFBB Pro Marco Rivera Posing VideoIFBB Pro Marco Rivera Posing Video from the East Coast Mecca – 3 Weeks out from the Arnold 212 Classic. …