NPC November 2012 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Men’s & Women’s Bodybuilding

Brian Yersky and Juanita Blaino have been named the NPC Athletes of the Month in Men’s and Women’s Bodybuilding for the month of November.


November Accomplishment: Nationals Super Heavyweight and Overall Winner

Age 30
Height 5’10
Weight 255
Contest History/Highlights 2011: Nationals 3rd Super Heavyweight; 2010: USA Championships 3rd Super Heavyweight; North Americans 5th Super Heavyweight; 2009: Junior Nationals 3rd Super Heavyweight; USA Championships 8th Super Heavyweight; North Americans 5th Super Heavyweight; 2008: Jr. USA Championships 3rd Super Heavyweight; Junior Nationals 4th Super Heavyweight; 2007: Collegiate National Championships 1st Super Heavyweight; Junior California 1st Heavyweight; 2006: Junior Nationals Super Heavyweight 16th; Los Angeles Championships 3rd Super Heavyweight; North Americans 17th Super Heavyweight

Go here for more photos of Brian Yersky!

ALL ABOUT THE WEIGHTS “I first started competing in 2005, when I was 22, but I started training in junior high for football at 13, 14 years old.  I was a three-sport letter winner my sophomore year in football, basketball and baseball, but weight training eventually took over. My senior year I didn’t play a single sport – it was all weights.”

READY OR NOT “I did the Junior Nationals in 2006. I was naïve in the beginning, I kind of just jumped right into it. I don’t want to say I had to pay my dues, but it was a process. I knew ultimately I didn’t have a pro physique until this year. It was just a matter of competing until I finally brought that package they were looking for.”

FIRST CALLOUT “I want to be competitive on that pro stage.  I’m looking forward to that pro debut and hoping to be in that top 3 to 5 – be in that first callout. As far as competing against anyone in particular, I don’t really think about that. I’m just looking to improve on what I did this year, improve on those deficiencies, put on about 8-10 pounds of quality muscle and be in that first callout.”

DO YOUR BEST “I look at it as me against myself for the most part. I try to push the envelope more than the previous year as far as conditioning. If that means suffering a little bit more, then that’s what I have to do. When I’m getting ready for shows I shut the computer down and don’t get on any of the boards. You can’t control who shows up, as long as you present your best that’s all you can do.” 

Go to page 2 for Juanita Blaino’s profile!