NPC News Online: Competitive Analysis – 3x Mr. Olympia Phil Heath

NPC Competitive Analysis Phil Heath.

If you are a bodybuilding fan then you know that Phil Heath won his 3rd Mr .Olympia title this year. The general consensus from most fans and bodybuilding journalists was that this was by far the best Phil Heath to ever step on the Olympia stage. We decided to share with you a side by side look of Phil from the 2012 and 2013 Mr.Olympia contests. You don’t have to be a judge to see the obvious progress Phil has made from the previous year. You will also find full photos galleries from both the 2012 and 2013 Mr.Olympia contests, so that you can do your own analysis. We want to congratulate Phil Heath as well as every IFBB competitor who stepped on stage at this year’s Olympia.

NPC Contest History:
Phil Heath won his pro card at the 2005 NPC USA. He placed 1st in the Heavyweight Class and was the Overall champ.

  • 2005 NPC Junior Nationals – 1st Place Heavyweight – Overall champion
  • 2004 NPC Colorado State – 1st Place Heavyweight- Overall champion
  • 2003 NPC Colorado State – 1st Place Light Heavyweight
  • 2003 NPC Northern Colorado -1st place – Men’s Novice and Open Overall champion.

(Click Below to see Phil’s full galleries for each year)

All photos by Isacc Hinds