By J.M. Manion Exclusively For NPC News Online and powered by the IFBB Professional League on the NPC News Online YouTube Channel, and
2023 #RoadToTheOlympia Interviews with 2x IFBB Pro League Fitness International Ariel Khadr @itsarielkhadr, 2x IFBB Pro League Bikini International Lauralie Chapados & 2022 #ifbbprowellnessinternational Isa Pereira Nunes @isapereiranunes #exclusively at @npcphotogymofficial in Pittsburgh.
Ariel’s posing is from 24 days before the @mrolympiallc Fitness.
Lauralie’s posing is from 16 days before the @mrolympiallc Bikini.
Isa’s posing is from 12 days before the @mrolympiallc Wellness
*Note the athlete’s do not have their tan & for most this is their practice suit, not the suit they will wear on the #Olympia stage.
@mrolympiallc #roadtotheifbbproolympia @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @ifbb_pro_league @npcworldwideofficial @npcnewstv @npcfitbody2 @npcwellness @npcworldwidewellness @ifbbproleaguewellness @t_manion @arnoldsports #nationalphysiquecommittee #ifbbprofessionalleague #npcbodybuilding #npcfitness #npcmensphysique #npcclassicphysique #npcwomensphysique #npcfigure #npcbikini #npcwellness #ifbbprobodybuilding #ifbbpro212 #ifbbproclassicphysique #ifbbprofitness #ifbbprofigure #ifbbprowomensphysique #ifbbprobikini #ifbbproleaguewellness @muscleandfitnesshers @femmeflexfriday @jake_wood_media @dansolomon_official @tamerelguindy @tgflex_1 @alinapopa1 @alexandra_bandida