By J.M. Manion Exclusively For NPC News Online and powered by the IFBB Professional League on the NPC News Online YouTube Channel, and
Interview with Bodybuilder Theresa Ivancik @tivancik_ifbbpro
Filmed #exclusively at @npcphotogymofficial in Pittsburgh by J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm
Theresa and J.M. talk about her living in the Pittsburgh area and yet this was her very first time at @npcphotogymofficial and they discuss Theresa’s competition schedule for 2022 that includes this weekend’s @ifbb_pro_league @ifbbindypro and the #NYPro as just a start.
@npcnewsonlineofficialpage @ifbb_pro_league @npcnewstv @npcfitbody2 @npcworldwideofficial @npcwellness @npcworldwidewellness @ifbbproleaguewellness @npcphotogymofficial @t_manion @wingsofstrength @mrolympiallc @harlanselitefitness @bevsgym #nationalphysiquecommittee #ifbbprofessionalleague #npcbodybuilding #npcfitness #npcmensphysique #npcclassicphysique #npcwomensphysique #npcfigure #npcbikini #npcwellness #ifbbprobodybuilding #ifbbpro212 #ifbbproclassicphysique #ifbbprofitness #ifbbpromensphysique #ifbbprofigure #ifbbprobikini