NPC June 2012 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Figure, Bikini & Fitness

Accomplishment: NPC Junior Nationals 1st Class D and Overall

Age 26
Height 5’4
Residence Las Vegas, Nevada
Weight 125
Contest History/Highlights 2012: Jr. Nationals 1st Class D and Overall; 2011: Jr. USA 3rd Class D;: Steve Stone New York Metropolitans 2nd Class D; Pittsburgh Championships 2nd Class D; Jr. USA 4th Class D; USA 3rd Class D

(Go here to see more photos of Mallory Haldeman)

FALLING INTO IT “After college I got really involved in rock climbing and it become my number one love and hobby. But in 2009, as I was becoming quite advanced in the sport, I took a fall that resulted in two broken ankles. The recovery process was long and very depressing for me as I watched myself become very out of shape. Seeing as I could no longer use my lower body for a period of time, I found myself trying to do what I could at the gym for my upper body. After my casts came off I couldn’t wait to hit the gym and start training my legs!”

BLOWN AWAY ”I have always been very inspired by my coach, Tracey Greenwood. She has been very successful in her years of competing, but what inspires me most about her is her life outside of the stage. Everyone sees competitors go from their “off season” to “on season” appearance. With Tracey, her physique is always impressive, no matter what time of year it is. It’s one thing to get in shape for a show and its another to stay that way 24/7. Her dedication to health and fitness has always blown me away.”

PUSH YOURSELF “I believe that everyone needs to have goals to be successful. Competing helps me stay positive and keep going even through the most grueling work outs because I know if I not pushing myself 110%, I know there is another girl out there somewhere who is!”

Go to Page 3 for Darrian Tissenbaum’s Profile!