NPC April 2013 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Men’s & Women’s Bodybuilding

Recent Accomplishment Vermont State Championships Women’s Bodybuilding Overall Winner

Age 43
Height 4’11 ¾
Contest Weight 92
Residence Swanton Vermont
NPC Contest History 2013: Vermont State Championships Overall Winner 2004: 1st Lightweight

CALL IT A COMEBACK I took about seven years off [from competing], I had an injury in the glutes – too many lunges and squats I guess! I couldn’t do any more training, but I’m totally not alive when I’m not lifting or training. I missed the beauty of it I guess, the energy and artistic nature of the sport. I couldn’t wait to get back on stage.

EARLY START I started training at like 12 or 13 – I think my Dad wrote down the wrong age so I could join the gym! I think he noticed me running around the lake and taking off so he decided to take me to the gym and it just began from there! I made my Mother drive me to the gym after school, then my father would bring me home later. I would be there for like three hours after school doing things like pushup contests with the older men!

ENERGIZER BUNNY I just have insane amounts of energy. I’m a trainer and I motivate people like crazy! I don’t really plan on it, it just happens. People come to me to help me motivate them – I’m like their little cheerleader I guess. I get excited about form – I just love form if it’s perfect!

NO PAIN, NO GAIN I have to be the strongest in the gym because of my height. I love leg day! I love heavy squats – no belt. My heaviest is probably 200 pounds on my little frame. I just love that excruciating pain that makes me fee alive, makes me feel here. A lot of girls don’t like to train legs, but I look forward to it.