5 Questions with IFBB Bikini Competitor Narmin Assria

Narmin Assria has had a tremendous career as a bikini competitor, first as an amateur in the NPC, and then as one of the most successful rookies in the IFBB. Since earning her pro card with her class win at the 2011 NPC USA Championships, the 24-year-old Southern California resident has competed in a mind-boggling six contests in the past 13 months, placing in the top five of all but one.

This past month, Narmin qualified for the Bikini Olympia on September 2 by winning the Pacific USA Championships after sitting as one of the points leaders in the Olympia Qualification Series for most of the season. Recently, we caught up with Narmin and got to spend a few minutes with the rookie standout.

Check out the interview and the gallery below!

Interview by Pete Ciccone

1. How did you get started in Bikini contests?
I was working out forever at my local gym, and was approached by a trainer. She was super encouraging, and suggested I compete so I went to check out one of the local NPC shows. At first I did it on my own. My first competition, the NPC California I think (I can’t remember right now, I’ve done so many shows but I’m pretty sure it was the Cal) I placed 2nd, and had so much fun. Next, at the 2010 USA’s, I placed 4th – I was hooked after that! I knew I would benefit from better guidance, so I picked back up in 2011, and started working with Kim Oddo. We targeted the West Coast Classic, where I won the “A” class, then tried the USA’s again after that. I won my class and turned Pro!

2. Did you have any role models in the sport?3. What is a typical “Day in the Life of IFBB Pro Narmin?”
I work, train, eat and sleep, that’s pretty much it! I don’t have a life.(giggles). Actually, I lied – I do have a life – my life is fitness! I’m always trying to set myself up for success. I work really hard to be sure I have no excuses. I work the graveyard shift, so it was tough at first to plan all of my meals, but now, I have my schedule down to a point!

4. What is the toughest aspect of your contest prep?
My biggest enemy is my sleep, because of my work schedule, it’s hard. At work, I’m in an environment where I’m surrounded by all kinds of junk food and delicious dessert-type food. When I’m tired physically while I’m dieting, it can be very challenging, especially watching co-workers eat all kinds of sweets and other yummy things.

5. How do you deal with #4?
I just think about FIRST PLACE! And about the extra 15 minutes I’d have to do on the stairmaster for that one cookie. I try to make sure that I’m fully prepared when I go to work. When I’m fully prepared, with all of my food, I have no reason to cheat. Remember, no excuses!


Pete Ciccone is a top-ranked NPC bodybuilder who runs a successful training/supplement retail business, 619 MUSCLE in San Diego, California. Pete has been a contributing writer for several magazines, and has been involved in the sport of bodybuilding for over 20 years. For more information about Pete and 619 MUSCLE, visit his website www.619muscle.com. Pete can be reached at: pete@619muscle.net.