IFBB Figure Competitor Ann Titone Retires

Retirement Announcement: Ann Titone

NPC NEWS ONLINE would like to send our regards to  Ann Titone.  After a great career in the NPC and IFBB she is retiring from competition.  We  have the utmost respect and admiration for her as a competitor and person. We wish her well and look forward to covering both the NPC/IFBB shows Ann and her husband Jack promote..Here is a link to their contest schedule http://npcmidwest.com/events/contact/



 Someone very close to me once said “one of the hardest decisions an athlete will ever make is when its time to walk away, most of the time they make the wrong decision and live with the regret forever”
You see, though I got started in this sport late in life at the age of 31, I was all in from day one, with over 25 shows within my first 2 1/2 years and another 15-20 shows over the eight years… I was on a mission!
That being said, chronic past injuries from my car accident years ago, (everyone should know the story) once again began rearing their ugly face 2 weeks before the 2014 Olympia. But I did as any other athlete prepping for the world’s most prestigious stage would do, I put it on the back burner. After the show it was suggested by some close to me that I should consider retiring after 2014 Olympia and go out with a 4th in the world placing.
However, in my heart of hearts I couldn’t grasp the concept of walking away from everything I’ve known day in and day out for the last 8 years. I didn’t have the warm and fuzzy feeling that I had fulfilled my goal of bringing the best me to stage and so…
I pushed forward.
I competed at the 2015 Arnold Classic and because I let adversity get the best of me, I did not bring my package from the previous year’s Olympia in and I slipped from a 4th place in 2014 to a 5th place. Following the Arnold Columbus I was supposed to compete in the first ever Arnold Classic Australia, a compete dream come true! Sadly, my body didn’t feel the same way as my heart and I left Columbus on a one way trip to the emergency room in St Louis due to dehydration and the kidney stones. I never made it to Australia.
This is when those special people surrounding me stepped in with a highly suggested plan to take the summer off and do a show into the Olympia. Reluctantly, I agreed and did such.
Though it was considered my off -season all I was concerned with was being better… I knew I could and so…
I pushed forward Mid-summer and countless deep tissue and graston technique appointments later, the injuries of my hips began flaring up with a vengeance causing my right leg to atrophy from the pain. Regardless what pain I endured during leg workouts, I completed them but my leg stopped responding due to the intense pain. Two weeks before Tampa my right leg was a full inch smaller than my left. Two cortisone shots later, with my husband’s guidance and unending support and belief in me, I was able to bring it up 1/ 2 of an inch and tweak my posing to hide the awkward symmetry of my quads. It was by God’s grace I walked away with my 6th IFBB win in Tampa. Immediately following Tampa I was diagnosed with bursitis, a torn labrum in my hip and the early onset of arthritis in both hips and my lower back. This is mainly issues stemming from the car accident years ago.
Here’s where I met the cross road. Will I make it worse by discarding the obvious need to stay off it or can I possibly make a little more improvement? I was so close to the physique I’ve worked for over 8 years… How do I walk away in the bottom of the ninth inning in a tie game?
My Dr expressed that I wouldn’t do more damage and I could “possibly” make a little improvement.
Those are the only words a true athlete of their sport need to hear and so…
I pushed forward.
Three cortisone shots and the most ridiculous training of only one leg for 6 weeks, I did it.. THIS was the best me ever. Exactly what I always wanted to present on stage. At the 2015 Olympia, with a stress fractured foot, I presented myself on stage I soaked up the lime light one last time.
In the end, I won’t lie about the disappointment of slipping 3 places, it’s a hard concept to grasp. But I definitely have the warm and fuzzy feeling of the success of creating the physique I’ve dreamed of. That makes my journey all worth it. I may have made mistakes along the way but I wouldn’t change one choice or decision.
I’ve come to realize that sometimes our dreams are something only we can see and that we’re willing to travel every treacherous path in order to meet our goal even if others don’t understand our reasons for not quitting when it seems so impossible.
It is said that when one door closes another opens. I am standing in front of my new door ready to turn the knob. This door leads me to assisting competitors with training, judging, promoting and co-promoting more NPC/IFBB events in the Midwest while providing resources for them to excel. In the following weeks I will be launching a new concept for the ladies to educate them with training and tips of the trade, secrets if you will, I’ve picked up along the way. That concept will be MUSCLE MANSION, a weekend retreat. Details to follow at a later date. I know with my husband, I have a wonderful future with the NPC / IFBB away from the stage. My successes are written in stone and no one and nothing can change that.
I owe a lifetime of gratitude to the true, one and only, NPC and IFBB organization, Mr Jim Manion, for the opportunities to learn so much about myself and to step on stage with some of the world’s best. My Managers JM & Debbie Manion will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for guiding me and putting up with the. my/our craziness that only we girls know about.
My heart is broken, I feel as though I’ve lost a piece of me but I know it’s temporary. Though I will always miss the stage, the heels, suit and presentation I will miss the comradery of my fellow athletes that I competed with the most. I wish you all only the best in all your endeavors. May you walk in God’s favor with every step.
A million thanks to the countless others who believed in me, sometimes more than I believed in myself, 1st Phorm-Andy Frisella, Joel Sellmeyer D.C, Orthopedic Surgeon and IFBB Pro-Dr. Victor Prisk, Species-Dave Palumbo, BeautyFit-Jimmy Mentis, CJ Elite Suits-Cynthia James, Liquid Sun Rayz-Marilyn Spatola International Protein-Christine Envall & Troy Bremner, my amazing coach and friend George Farah who told me long before working with me that he favored my physique as a top Olympian, I love you!! Thank you all for believing in my work ethic and dedication. Most importantly, the FANS who for whatever reason believed in me and inspired me to always strive to be better… You kept the fire in my belly blazing.
Don’t believe the excuses that genetics is the only thing that will make you a top competitor. If you want a physique…. CREATE IT!

Click Here For Ann Titone’s Contest Photos