Competitor’s Kitchen: Russian Potato Pancakes

Sweet potatoes are a common carb source in any competitor’s diet. Here’s a variation that will keep your taste buds stimulated but, at the same time, won’t stall your progress.


• 4 large sweet potatoes

• ½ yellow onion

• 1 egg white, beaten

• salt-free seasoning (Mrs. Dash) to taste
• 2 tablespoons oat bran
• ground black pepper to taste

• dash of herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro) to taste
• Pam Spray


• Finely grate potatoes and onion into a large bowl, draining off any excess liquid
Mix egg white, herbs, seasonings, and oat bran
• Spray a heavy skillet with Pam spray and set over medium high heat
• Divide mixture into 1/4 cup servings
• Drop two or three 1/4 cup mounds into the skillet and flatten to make 1/2 inch thick pancakes
• Fry, turning once, until golden brown
• Transfer to a oven safe dish
• Repeat until all potato mixture is used
• Preheat oven to 250 degrees
• Put cooked pancakes in covered oven for 5-10 min


Per pancake
Calories 226
Protein 8g
Carbohydrates 50g
Fat 0g
Sodium 81mg


Sasha Brown is an IFBB Figure Pro who earned her pro card at the 2012 NPC USA Championships. Sasha’s mother taught her to cook when she was 11 years old. Since traditional Ukrainian food is typically very rich and fattening, Sasha found a way to still enjoy her favorite recipes without the extra calories – a must for any competitor!