Ask a Pro: Jenny Worth IFBB Fitness Pro – Contest Prep Advice

Contest prep is a process that is physically and mentally demanding and requires a 24/7 commitment to bring out your best physique. A good competitor will do his/her own research before committing to a show and beginning their prep; understanding that it will require their maximum effort and a lot of hard work.  This is a great reason to hire a coach and find a team of other competitors to help guide and motivate you as well as promote you before you hit the stage!!  A coach will develop a meal plan and workout plan that is specifically catered to your individual body type, goals, starting point at prep, and how many weeks out you are from your show. One of the biggest mistakes a new competitor can make is to search for the “magic formula” to get them the results they’re wanting before hitting the stage.  Researching other IFBB pro competitors and following their exact workout and meal plan is an all too common mistake that can cause you to bring a physique that is not at your full potential.  Building lean muscle mass takes time, patience, a ton of hard work and guidance from a coach who is experienced and can monitor your progress closely. Doing things like too much cardio, consuming too many or not enough carbs and calories, or neglecting certain muscle groups while building others can hinder your results.  The best way to build YOUR best physique is to listen to only one coach!  Let the expert worry about your conditioning and how to alter your plan to bring out your best package.  The reason you hire them and sign up with a team is to get personalized feedback and guidance from someone who is experienced and will get to know your unique body type and ideal formula to build and cut during prep!  If you stray from your plan and try what someone else is doing that worked for them, you’re potentially hurting yourself and that could cause you to not make the progress you could be making.  Competing is an incredible experience that will change your life and make you stronger both physically and mentally (and look amazing while doing it!).  Let the pros and experts guide you and help you learn your body and what regimen works best for you!  You put in the hard work, you deserve the best results! For more information on contest prep contact me at

Photo by Robert Reiff

Worth It Fitness

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