See all the J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm Photos #exclusively on and
The day after the IFBB Professional League Battle Of The Bodies photo shoot with promoter & 2020 IFBB Pro League Bikini Olympia Champion Janet Layug @janetlayug, First place winner India Paulino @indiapaulino & 2nd place finisher Brittany Hamilton @britthamilton_ifbbpro
Special Thank You to Debra Amelio-Manion for handling the Light Disk
@ npcbattleofthebodies @ifbb_pro_league @npcfitbody2 @npcnewsonlineofficialpage #hardestworkingfitnessphotographer out there even at 60 years old #firsttoarrivelasttoleave #hardestworkerintheroom #icanstillruncirclesaroundtheothers #lifethruthelens #workinsilence #youwantedthebestyougotthebest #alittleappreciationgoesalongway #LiveInThePastOrLiveForTheFuture #NobodyOutHustlesTheHustlers