2019 IFBB Pro league Battle of Texas Pro: Angelica Teixeira Interviews Marisa Woo December 14, 2019December 14, 2019Competitor Interviews, Featured, Featured Videos, Features, NPC Bikini, Videos SHARE Facebook Twitter Pinterest 2019 IFBB Pro league Battle of Texas Pro Interview: Angelica Teixeira Interviews Bikini Pro Marisa Woo Before the contest.
March 22, 2021Road To The IFBB Pittsburgh Pro 2021: Loly Ragusa Wellness Training Video The second of three consecutive @ifbbproleaguewellness competitors to film their 2021 #roadtothepittsburghpro @npcifbbpropittsburgh Loly Ragusa @loli_fitness trains glutes @npcphotogym …
February 7, 20192019 NPC Gold Coast Muscle Classic Men’s Bodybuilding Overall Winner Derek Duszynski Interviewed by Terrick El Guindy2019 NPC Gold Coast Muscle Classic Men’s Bodybuilding Overall Winner Derek Duszynski Interviewed by Terrick El Guindy for npcnewsonline.com
April 13, 20192019 IFBB San Diego Championships Bikini 4th Place Stephanie Fierro Posing Video2019 IFBB San Diego Championships Bikini 4th Place Stephanie Fierro Posing