2012 Sheru Classic Prejudging Galleries

Prejudging is over at the 2012 Sheru Classic, and the small-but-star-studded lineups didn’t disappoint.

In Men’s Bodybuilding, Phil Heath and Kai Greene resumed their battle from last week’s Olympia. The trip to the other side of the world did little to diminish the excitement from that matchup. Here, Heath looks to be a little tighter that he was a week ago, while Green doesn’t have the same sharpness he brought to Vegas.

In the 212 Class, David Henry looks every bit as impressive as he did a week ago in finishing as the runner up to 212 Showdown winner Flex Lewis. Jose Raymond, fresh off his 4th place finish there, looks much improved from a week ago.

In Figure, Erin Stern may have improved over the past week since winning her second Figure Olympia. Stern, Nicole Wilkins, Candice Keene and Heather Dees – the top four from a week ago – were all in the first callout here.

Nicole Nagrani and India Paulino are the clear top two in bikini. The duo finished 2-3, respectively, in last week’s Olympia.

Check back later tonight for final results and galleries!


See the photos here