From the First Ever NPC News Online All Brazilian IFBB Pro League Wellness Photo Shoot with 2x IFBB Pro League Wellness Olympia Champion Francielle Mattos @franciellemattos photographed at a private residence in Las Vegas 2 days after she repeated as IFBB Pro League Wellness ⭕️ Champion!
Photos: J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm
Lightdisk: Debra Amelio-Manion @d_amelio_manion
Custom Suits: MJ’s Atomic Designs @mjwearboutique
Additional Photos: Will Wittmann @w_wittmannphoto
Videos: @gilcoproductions
Makeup: Elaine Goodlad @elainegoodlad & Nancy Jambezian @beautybynancyj
#nophotoshop #noeditneeded #straightfromthecard Only added the #watermark
@npcnewsonlineofficialpage @ifbb_pro_league @npcnewstv @npcfitbody2 @npcworldwideofficial @npcwellness @npcworldwidewellness @ifbbproleaguewellness @npcphotogymofficial @t_manion @isapereiranunes @gisellemachadopro @isamarapersonal_ifbbpro @chitarraju @brunaseredich @rayanefogal #nationalphysiquecommittee #ifbbprofessionalleague #npcbodybuilding #npcfitness #npcmensphysique #npcclassicphysique #npcwomensphysique #npcfigure #npcbikini #npcwellness #ifbbprobodybuilding #ifbbpro212 #ifbbproclassicphysique #ifbbprofitness #ifbbpromensphysique #ifbbprofigure #ifbbprobikini #ifbbprowomensphysique #ifbbproleaguewellness
Thank You to @seeyoulaterleaner for the location!!!