Business And Bikini: Season 2, Episode 4

We are back with Season 2, Episode 4 of the ongoing series Business And Bikini found #exclusively on our YouTube Channel, and

This Episode has more good questions to help competitors at every level, from NPC True Novice to IFBB Professional League competitors!
But at the 2:30 second mark the episode takes a turn off to the #weirdo exit with funny stories told by J.M. Manion and Etila Santiago about their first meeting at the 2018 NPC Worldwide Olympia Amateur South America @mrolympiasa that involves Head Judge Tamer El Guindy @tamerelguindy and also when #IFBBBikiniPro Lauren Dannenmiller @laurendannenmiller was filming her 2021 #roadtothepittsburghpro and talks about what happened to her backstage when she won the 2017 @npcnationals that just brings lots of laughter.
This is 1 episode you Do Not Want To Miss!
Each episode our hosts;
#IFBBBikiniPro Skylar Lanier @skylarlanier_ifbbpro
#NPCBikini Nikki Politi @nikki.politi
#IFBBBikiniPro Etila Santiago @etila
Answer questions sent in to them in regard to what to expect or need to know in NPC, NPC Worldwide and even IFBB Professional League contests once someone qualifies to turn professional.
Directed and Filmed @npcphotogymofficial by J.M. Manion @aroundthenpc_jm
Produced by Dr. Gary Udit @garyudit
Editing by
Clothing Provided by #npcactivewear
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All previous and current episodes found on this YouTube Channel and exclusively on the Business & Bikini section on NPC News TV
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