IFBB Bikini Pro Vladimira Krasova Looks Back On The Last Three Shows In Three Continents

The Czech bikini goes global with more to come before Christmas
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Krasova, the only  Czech bikini pro took part in three different pro events in the course of the three-week period each held on a different continent. Her fall pro show trip kicked off in Las Vegas, USA, at the Olympia Weekend (13th place), continued in Seoul, South Korea at the Korea Grand Prix one week later (5th place) and finished in Prague, Czech Republic, at Prague Pro (4th place). With progress made since her Olympia stage debut last year, Vladimira agreed to provide extra insights onto her fall season so far.

You worked very hard to improve overall and to better your last year’s appearance at the Olympia. How did it feel to compete in this great event for the second time and what challenges did you face?

„It was much better for me than the first  time. I knew what to expect, how the show is organized. Yet, it still felt very special as this year’s Olympia was the 50th annual Olympia content in its history. It was uniqe on its own and with 27 pro bikinis on stage, I expected it would be very difficult to break into the top 15. I knew, I would have to work very hard to improve my physique to better reflect the judging standards and indeed, I have had to bust my butt to tune up my presentation. I changed my diet, I added some extra exercises and upgraded  my cardio training.“

Past the Olympia, you knew there would be at least one more event  to contest in Seoul. How was Korea and the show?

„I really liked Korea and enjoyed being there from the time I arrived till I departed. The show was organized in a special conservative venue, but the atmosphere was great. Perhaps the Korean fans liked the tall blond girl on the heels (laughs). Unlike in Las Vegas, I enjoyed the opportunity to talk and walk with the other bikini girls including Ashley, Amanda, India and all the rest. We had fun during the press conference, on stage and even off the stage. I would like to wish the show bright future as it is always hard to produce the first annual. The city of Seoul really amazed me with its kind people and excellent infrastructure. The fans showed great enthusiasm and support.“

It was not clear till that one week of the Prague Pro you would also enter this very great show in  your country’s capital. Was it a good decision to take?

„It was a decision which I made on the way from Seoul. After all, I felt I owed it to the home crowds and those who follow me all year including my family. I also thought it would be great to compete against India, Noemi again as well as other bikini ladies from around the world. At the end, there were bikini pros from nine different countries. Great show, well organized, and great atmosphere throughout the event especialy backstage. I was very thankful and glad to step on stage in Prague.

You indicated the season is not yet over for you. What did you mean?

„I feel very motivated and enjoy the season very much. I decided to carry on with the hard work aiming to make additional improvements with an option to enter at least one more show this year. I am aware of areas which I can fine-tune still. Regardless, I will then take next six months to continue in my mission to bring new Vladimira on stage in 2015. Every show helps to me grow and develop which is what I need to place and score better.“

And then it is holiday season, rest and playtime? What is boiling for you til the New Year’s Day or then?

„I would like to rest little bit, but I already started thinking about 2015. I will fly to Florida to work with Shannon Dey’s Bomshell Fitness Team on my upgraded training program and overall preparation for the next year for several days in December. And yes, I would like to take few days off from the strict regimen. Apart from the compeition, I will start writing my thesis for the Master’s diploma in international diplomatic relations. I will have a challenging 2015 indeed (smile).“