View From the Judges: Figure, Bikini, Fitness & Ms. International

IFBB Head Women’s Judge Sandy Williamson comments on the top six in each of the women’s divisions from the 2013 Arnold Sports Festival.




“I thought she looked good for Camala. Another one with a small waist and a pretty good upper body – she just really needs to get that lower body tight. Lower body needs to be tighter than it is. If her lower body comes in tighter to match her upper body she could be dangerous.”


Go here to see all of Camala Rodriguez’s Figure International photos










“She’s got nice symmetry, and a tiny waist. That kind of hits the judges, especially when she comes out by herself. But even though she has a nice taper, she is lacking the size to go with it. She still needs upper body size, especially her back. She’s new to the stage so she still needs to work on the whole stage presence aspect.”


Go here to see all of Mallory Haldeman’s Figure International photos










“She really moved up the ranks the last couple of years. Every year she is getting a little bit more balanced between her upper and lower body, but she still needs more balance. Her lower body can be smaller. Each time she steps on stage she is closer to that balance. Beautiful symmetry, tiny waist and nice v-taper. Probably one of the more consistent athletes in all of her shows. She seems like another one who is getting more confident in herself each time she competes.”

Go here to see all of Candice Lewis’ Figure International photos










“I just thought it could have been that doing the Olympia and those other two shows, they are so close together and keeping her size always seems to be a little bit more difficult for her. Kind of the same thing happened last year from the Olympia to the Arnold. Not that she’s super tight or striated – it’s just a smaller package, and flat. And she’s a tall girl so she needs to keep that fullness. Part of her persona is just the amount of confidence she usually has on stage, and she didn’t have it this time. She might have felt that she was not at her best and that does effect stage presence.”


Go here to see all of Erin Stern’s Figure International photos









“Heather lost a little bit of size for the Olympia and I thought she gained some of that size back. This was the best I’ve seen her. Just her whole overall appearance, her whole package looks so much more polished. I think that’s due to all the experience she’s had over the last couple years.”


Go here to see all of Heather Dees’ Figure International photos










“Candice was the clear winner. I thought she found a better balance between muscularity and leanness. She didn’t come across quite as muscular here as she did at the Olympia. She keeps improving.”


Go here to see all of Candice Keene’s Figure International photos







NEXT: Fitness International View From The Judges