Press Credentials


August 5, 2004

TO:All Bodybuilding & Fitness Media
FROM:Steve Karel, NPC Media Director
RE:Press Credentials

Effective August 1, 2004, please be advised that all intellectual property, i.e. photos, digital and otherwise, gained at NPC sanctioned national events may only be utilized by the publication or media outlet under whose banner the press access was approved. For example, if the editor of Ironman Magazine submits a press list of approved photographers, the work product of said photographers’ may only be provided to Ironman Magazine for its publication’s use. Said work product may not be sold or given free of charge to any other media outlets (magazines, websites, etc.) that were not listed on the original press pass request.

Failure to abide by this regulatory effort will result in the revocation of any future press privileges for any working press member, even if provided on an approved press list submission. This will be a zero-tolerance policy.

Jim Manion
President, National Physique Committee