- Women’s Physique
- Women’s Physique athletes should display-
- More muscular density than seen in figure
- Clear muscle separation – small amount of striations is acceptable
- Emphasis is on muscular development with full muscle bellies
- Muscular development should be balanced between upper and lower body
- Women’s Physique athletes should NOT display –
- An overly striated physique
- Graininess associated with female bodybuilding
Each competitor must be a member of the NPC.
For contests with 2 classes: | |
Class A | Up to & incl 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
Class B | Over 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
For contests with 3 classes: | |
Class A | Up to & incl 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
Class B | Up to & incl 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
Class C | Over 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
For contests with 4 classes: | |
Lightweight | Up to & incl 5’ 2” (157 cm) |
Middleweight | Up to & incl 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
Light-Heavyweight | Up to & incl 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
Heavyweight | Over 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
- Competitors compete in a two-piece bikini. The bikini bottoms must be V-shaped with at least ½ rear coverage. Suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency. Thongs are prohibited. Competitors compete barefoot.
- Posing suits, which may be off-the-rack, do not have to be solid in color and may include a printed design with fringes, lace, sparkle or fluorescents.
- Competitors must not alter the fit of the posing suit by hiking it up in the back or by pulling up the sides during Front and Rear Lat Spreads.
- The competitor’s number must be securely attached to either side of the trunks at Judging and Finals.
- During the Judging, competitors cannot wear footwear, watches, bangles, pendants, chains, bracelets (wrist or ankle), ornamentation, or artificial aids to the physique.
- The use of props during the Judging or Finals is prohibited.
- The use of vulgar, profane, and/or offensive language in the posing music is prohibited.
- The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams, and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green, or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.
- Competitors are prohibited from presenting themselves in any sort of a vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, lewd, lascivious, repugnant, shocking, or offensive manner, as determined by the event promoter and/or one or more of the event judges in their sole and absolute discretion.
- Competitors unequivocally agree to accept the decisions of event promoters and/or event judges in this regard. If a competitor is not willing to unequivocally agree to accept the decisions of event promoters and/or event judges in this regard, the competitor should not register to compete in any events.
- If any of the above rules are not followed, the competitor will not be allowed to compete, and no refunds will be issued.
- Each competitor shall walk to center stage, individually and in numerical order, and shall automatically perform the mandatory poses.
- Each competitor shall have a maximum of 30 seconds to complete the mandatory poses.
- The mandatory poses are:
- Front Double Biceps with open hands (no flat-footed full front pose or front twisting pose)
- Back Double Biceps with open hands
- Side Triceps with one leg extended
- Side Chest with both arms extended
- Abdominals and Thighs
- Depending on the number of competitors in a class, competitors may be directed to:
- exit the stage until the entire class has completed the mandatory poses, at which time the entire class is called back onstage; or
- line up along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.
- The head judge shall call the competitors, in small groups and in numerical order, to center stage to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses.
- The head judge shall then call out specific competitors to perform the quarter turns and mandatory poses. During the call-outs, judges shall have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other.
- Judges shall score competitors according to the “total package”, which is a balance of size, symmetry, and muscularity.
- Each competitor shall be called onstage, individually and in numerical order, to perform a posing routine to music of the competitor’s choice.
- Each competitor shall have a maximum of 60 seconds to complete the posing routine.
- Depending on the number of competitors, the head judge and promoter may decide that only the top finalists shall perform their posing routine.
- If a confirmation round is required, the competitors shall be called onstage and, under the direction of the head judge, compared in groups while performing the quarter turns and mandatory poses.
- For the overall title only, the top finalists shall take part in a posedown to music of the promoter’s choice.
- The Judging is scored 100%. The Finals are scored only if a judged confirmation round is required.
- Ties are broken using the Relative Placement method.
- Posing music must be uploaded to Muscleware. If the music is not uploaded to Muscleware, the music:
- must be provided on a USB memory stick; and
- must be the only music on the USB memory stick.
- During the Judging, the hair must be worn up, off the shoulders and back. Decorative pieces in the hair are prohibited. During the Finals, the hair may be worn down, and decorative pieces in the hair are permitted.
- The following is prohibited while onstage:
- Chewing gum;
- “Moon pose” (any competitor performing this pose will be disqualified);
- Lying on the stage; and
- Bumping and/or shoving (involved competitors will the disqualified).