NPC October 2012 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Men’s & Women’s Physique

October Accomplishment: Texas State Championships Overall Winner

Age 43
Height 5’6
Weight 139
Contest History/Highlights 2012: Branch Warren Classic Women’s Physique 2nd Class; Texas State Championships Women’s Physique 1st Class B and Overall ; Nationals Women’s Physique 10th Class B; 2011: Texas State Championships Women’s Bodybuilding 1st and Overall; 2010: Branch Warren Classic 7th Figure Class, 16th Figure Over 35; 2005: Lakaland Classic 1st Figure Class B; 2004: Sunshine Classic 1st Figure Class B; Hurricane Bay 4th Figure Class C

Go here for more photos of Ginger Martin!

IT’S IN ME “My parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses, so I was never raised to have a competitive spirit. We weren’t allowed to be in extracurricular activities – I used to go to church three times a week – and if it took away from church, we couldn’t do it. But I’ve always had it in me. Even when was I a younger child, I always stayed active. I would race people, teach myself things on the trampoline, and other things like that.”

FEELING EMPOWERED “I started going to a gym in 1993, that’s when I started seeing some girls working out on the weight side of the gym. I liked the way they looked so I started asking them questions. There was one girl who was about to start competing in bodybuilding, so I would see how she trained and how she dieted. I always liked muscle – I think it looks so much better than the Victoria’s Secret models. I like the feeling of being stronger, I like feeling empowered.” 

A FIT WITH PHYSIQUE “I’ve always been muscular, but I’m also kind of a hard gainer. When I was bodybuilding, I kept thinking if I wanted to do well, I would have to gain another 10-20 pounds of muscle. Even in the offseason I top the scales at 149 and then I have to start everything in sight! Physique, I was already there. I didn’t have to gain a lot more muscle I just had to tweak a few things.”

STRONG MOM “I have four kids – one passed away – aged 26, 22, 19 and 11. My 22 year-old, I’m hoping he’s going to be on stage or competing in Crossfit within the next year. He’s competitive, so I think I really motivate him– I’m stronger than him in some areas, and he doesn’t like that, so that pushes him!”

MOTIVATING FACTORS “I’m in my 40s and sometimes think I need to retire. But I keep seeing ladies competing in their 60s and they look phenomenal. When I see women who are older than me doing this … that is really motivating. And it motivates me to motivate others. My daughter being proud of me, and hopefully living a long, healthy life where I can go running with my kids and jump on the trampoline like I do now – that in itself is a motivating factor.”