NPC News Athlete Spotlight: Figure Competitor Cherie Hill Video

Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is NPC Figure Competitor Cherie Hill.

My name is Cherie Hill and I am an NPC Figure competitor. This year I placed 4th at the  2015 NPC Eastern USA Championships I took 1st place at the 2011 NPC NY Metropolitan and 5th place at the 2011 NPC Universe. So needless to say, I’m beyond thrilled to be back up on stage seeking to re-qualify for the national level and continuing to work toward earning an IFBB Pro card!!! I am extremely passionate about fitness and competing has further accentuated that for me. I manage a gym about 50 minutes from my home and love motivating my current members and potential new members with my stories and success I’ve experienced throughout my journey. I am a firm believer that we each create our destiny and we do not have to settle for the cards that have been dealt to us. Adversity and challenges in life should only further motivate us and become the driving tools in building that mindset of “do whatever it takes” to accomplish our goals and dreams. Competing in the NPC has helped me to work through life’s challenges and has allowed me the opportunity to show others that you really can accomplish anything that you put your mind to and work continuously at. I am also a proud rep for Allmax Nutrition and love working the booth at demos, regional and national NPC shows.




Click Here For Contest Photos Of Cherie Hill

Video Courtesy of Cherie Hill
Video by Ian Kauffman, TFreakshow


[youtube video=e6w24ZklAMM]

Video Courtesy of Cherie Hill
Video by Ian Kauffman, TFreakshow



