- Criteria for Judging Female Physiques:
- Muscularity – the amount of muscle will vary between the divisions
- Condition- will vary depending on the division
- Symmetry and Balance
- Presentation (Posing)
- Figure
- Figure athletes should display-
- An overall balance of muscular development which includes rounded delts, sweep to the quads, back depth, and width – emphasis is on balance and symmetry
- Small amount of muscle separation
- A nice “V” taper
- Tight glutes with separation between the hamstring and glute area
- Balance between the upper and lower body
- Figure athletes should NOT display–
- Striations or graininess
- Muscularity thickness associated with Women’s Physique
- Figure athletes should display-
Each competitor must be a member of the NPC.
For contests with 2 classes: | |
Class A | Up to & incl 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
Class B | Over 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
For contests with 3 classes: | |
Class A | Up to & incl 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
Class B | Up to & incl 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
Class C | Over 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
For contests with 4 classes: | |
Class A | Up to & incl 5’ 2” (157 cm) |
Class B | Up to & incl 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
Class C | Up to & incl 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
Class D | Over 5’ 6” (168 cm) |
For contests with 6 classes: | |
Class A | Up to & incl 5’ 1” (155 cm) |
Class B | Up to & incl 5’ 2 ½” (159 cm) |
Class C | Up to & incl 5’ 4” (163 cm) |
Class D | Up to & incl 5’ 5 ½” (166 cm) |
Class E | Up to & incl 5’ 7” (170 cm) |
Class F | Over 5’ 7” (170 cm) |
- For the Judging and Finals, competitors must wear a two-piece bikini, the color and style of which is at the competitor’s choice. The bikini bottom must be V-shaped. Thongs are not permitted. All swimsuits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency. Footwear (high-heels) must be worn. Competitors may wear jewelry.
- The competitor’s number must be securely attached to either side of the bikini bottom at Judging and Finals.
- The excessive application of oils, moisturizers, skin creams, tanning creams and like products is prohibited and may be used only in moderation. The application of tanning products must produce a natural tone so as to give the appearance of a natural tan. Products that produce an unnaturally colored tone, with an orange, yellow, red, green or gold hue, are prohibited. Bronzing agents that produce a metallic look are also prohibited.
- Competitors are prohibited from presenting themselves in any sort of a vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, lewd, lascivious, repugnant, shocking, or offensive manner, as determined by the event promoter and/or one or more of the event judges in their sole and absolute discretion. Competitors unequivocally agree to accept the decisions of event promoters and/or event judges in this regard. If a competitor is not willing to unequivocally agree to accept the decisions of event promoters and/or event judges in this regard, the competitor should not register to compete in any events.
- If any of the above rules are not followed, the competitor will not be allowed to compete and no refunds will be issued.
- Each competitor is called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, has a maximum of 30 seconds to perform the four quarter turns.
- Depending on the number of competitors in a class, competitors may be directed to:
- exit the stage until the entire class has completed the quarter turns, at which time the entire class is called back onstage; or
- line up along diagonal lines at each side of the stage.
- The head judge then directs groups of competitors in numerical order through the quarter turns. The size of the groups is at the discretion of the head judge.
- The head judge then directs selected competitors through the callouts, where the selected competitors are compared against each other in the quarter turns. The number and placement of competitors in the callouts is at the discretion of the head judge.
- Each competitor may be called onstage individually in numerical order in a two-piece bikini and high heels and, at center stage, has a maximum of 30 seconds to perform the four quarter turns.
- Depending on the number of competitors, the head judge and promoter may decide that only the top finalists shall perform their quarter turns.
- If a confirmation round is required, the competitors shall be called onstage and, under the direction of the head judge, compared in groups while performing the quarter turns.
- For the overall title only, the top finalists shall perform the quarter turns under the direction of the head judge.
- The Judging is scored 100%. The Finals are scored only if a judged confirmation round is required.
- Ties are broken using the Relative Placement method.
- The criteria for judging Figure are as follows:
- A small degree of muscularity with separation but no visible striations
- Toned muscle with shapely lines and overall firmness but not excessively lean
- Overall healthy appearance, including skin tone and makeup
- Overall stage presentation
If you need help or are unsure of how to execute the above instructions then please take a look at the following videos.