NPC Athlete Spotlight: Michelle Ackerman Bikini Competitor

Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is Michelle Ackerman Bikini Competitor.


Michelle Ackerman Says:

My name is Michelle Ackerman and I’m 24 years old.  I compete in the Bikini Division, Class C.  This season I have competed in 3 National shows, Jr. USA’s, Jr. Nationals, and Team U.  All of these shows were great experiences and I learned something new from each one.  I love to compete because each prep provides me with a new challenge.  Seeing the improvements in my physique from show to show has been the most rewarding for me.  I aspire to one day obtain a Pro Card and compete amongst the best in the IFBB.  It has been a great journey so far competing in the NPC.

Michelle Ackerman

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