Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is of Damon Ford.

On November 9, 2013

IMAG0728I competed in my very first show at the NPC Jay Cutler Baltimore Classic.  I got 1st place in Men’s Masters Physique and 5th place in Open Men’s Physique Class A.  I plan to compete for the second time at the 2014 NPC Baltimore Gladiator Championships on March 22, 2014.


  Absolutely loved the entire event.  Meeting and talking with the other guys backstage, exchanging tips, fitness and nutrition advice.  The event organizers were great guys and very approachable.  The facility was very nice and gave the event a grander appearance.  In the weeks preparing for the event, because of the stress of the dieting and workout schedule, I didn’t think I would want to do another competition, but I had such a great time at the show, I can’t wait to do it again in March.

IMAG0725When is it going to be your turn to step on stage? Go back into the NPC News Online site and check out

the rules, contest schedules and more..Make it a reality! Go Now.

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