Kai Greene will be in Prague during the first June 2014 weekend to meet and greet fans, guest-pose and hold special seminar! Prague Olympia Amateur Europe’s Ambassador will deliver exciting seminar on bodybuilding on Saturday, June 7, 2014! This seminar will offer a unique opportunity to speak with one of the world’s bodybuilding superstars on his insights and secrets of his success.

How many times did you visit Prague? How do you look forward to the event and its program? This will be my second visit to Prague and I’m looking forward to embracing my role as the ambassador to the Amateur Olympia Europe in Prague. My goal is to be a contributor and to encourage others as they realize their dreams.

Was your last year’s victory in Prague Pro 2013 your visit’s highlight? How high do you value this championship amongst the others? It was a very important high. But it was also the road in which I was able to realize the possibilities of even a greatness larger than itself. It stands alone and is unique on its own.

What does your role of an Olympia Amateur Europe AMBASSADOR mean to you? It is an opportunity to do great things within the sport of bodybuilding which has opened the door to new possibilities.

You are to have a seminar, guest-pose, meet and greet the fans, train here privately too. What do you look forward to most? To each and every one of the opportunities as they represent a very unique experience which gives me the voice to express how wonderful of an experience and event this is which is very important to me.

You have done seminars many years all over the world. What was the strangest and most funny question you can recollect? You know i do like to believe there is no stupid and or funny question because in fact if we don’t ask than we don’t learn. So i encourage anyone having questions at my seminar to ask freely and openly. We are here to learn and to make our dreams realized.

Will you have time to follow the amateur bodybuilders in the course of the event to see who may join you amongst the pros into the future? I look forward to following the events winners as they continue to grow in the sport of bodybuilding.

Is there any special meal you would like to try during your visit to Prague? I am very found of trying the goulash…
