Generation Iron on Fox News

Generation Iron continues to get publicity outside of the bodybuilding media. Today, an article on the upcoming film and an interview with producer Vlad Yudin appeared on

The interview offered a rare opportunity for Yudin to defend the sport’s reputation in the mainstream media. Below is an excerpt from the article. Go here to see the full article.

“The biggest misconception is that if you take steroids, you can be Mr. Olympia. But I will put it this way; bodybuilding is a combination of science and sport. It takes a lot of sacrifices to be a bodybuilder, and the basic misconception is that it’s easy to achieve,” he explained. “We follow these guys for months, and we see them going through this emotional rollercoaster. Only one can win and others lose. And there are a lot of dramatic moments where we go in-depth and really see them motivating themselves every morning to train.”