Contest Prep 101: Applying Your Own Tan

When those rare occasions come up and competitors are forced to apply their own tan for the stage, most tend to freak out and think they are going to mess things up. But the truth is, it’s really not that hard.

The biggest step is the prep work, which we discussed in last months article. Once your skin is exfoiliated, shaved or waxed and has a base tan, it’s a fairly simple process of applying the tanning solution.

Ideally, it is best to start applying the tanning solution two days before your contest. This will give you the opportunity to rinse one time between coats to ensure that the product can absorb into the skin and not just sit on top. A product I like to use is Pro Tan Overnight Competition Color. Because it has a DHA in it – which is the self tanner in the product – it works best when applied to the skin so it can seep in overnight. The longer it stays on the skin, the darker you get – allowing it to work overnight is ideal.

So let’s say you are competing on a Saturday morning. The tanning applications should go something like this:

Night: 1 coat before bed

Morning: rinse with warm water until the water runs clear (no soap, no rubbing), apply another coat once skin is dry.
Night: Apply another coat prior to bedtime. Usually 3 or more coats in one day doesn’t get you much more tan.

Morning: NO MORE RINSING. If you are dark enough, go to your show. If not, apply one more coat of the Overnight Competition color or wait till you get to the venue and apply one coat of Bikini Bronze as a top coat. Oil can be put over this before going out on stage.


Here are some tips on how to best apply your own tan while avoiding the mess!

1 Make Sure Your Skin Is Clean And Dry
Do not use any deodorant or lotion!
2 Some Lotion is OK
You may lightly lotion your hands, feet, heels, knees and elbows so the solution doesn’t stick in those areas and get really dark.


3 Application
Pour the Pro Tan Overnight Competition color in a small bowl or tupperware and use a micro fiber sponge (like you would wax your car with). Make sure you put on gloves, dip the sponge in the solution and wipe on body. It is very fast and very easy. It will not streak. Pro Tan is alcohol based so it will dry fairly fast. You can do this yourself except for your back. You may need a friend to help with that. You can also use an air brush spray machine if you have one.
4 Dress For Success
Wear a dark-colored and loose-fitting long-sleeved shirt and loose-fitting pants after the product is dried. This will keep you from getting excess product on the furniture or sheets. It will also absorb any excess product evenly. DO NOT SLEEP NAKED! A hand print can not be fixed. If you choose to wear a tank top, shorts or short sleeves make sure you drape an old sheet over the furniture you are sitting/laying on so any excess doesn’t rub off from your forearm to the upholstery.


5 Wash Your Hands
Make sure to wash your hands often to prevent them from getting really dirty looking.


6 Protect Your Face
When applying Pro Tan to your face, I suggest that you lightly moisturize your face first. This allows the color to come right off instead of staining the skin. It also acts as a protective barrier since the product is alcohol based. Apply the Pro Tan with a make up sponge and blend evenly around the hairline and neck. Make up can be put over this once it is dry. You really don’t want more than one application of Pro Tan on your face. If you have a professional makeup artist doing your makeup ASK THEM FIRST before putting any color on your face.


7 Pack Appropriately
If you are staying at a hotel ALWAYS bring your own sheets and towels. If you get tanning solution on the hotel linen or upholstery they will charge you a lot of money!


Carla Salotti is an IFBB Professional Bodybuilder with 10 years of experience tanning IFBB and NPC competitors. Salotti,turned pro at the 2005 nationals and holds the title of the 2004 NPC Masters Nationals Overall Women’s Bodybuilding winner. She has been working with Pro Tan since 2003. Go to to find out more about Carla, or visit the Pro Tan website at